
Here you will find technical documents, manuals for software, connection and installation instructions and information material for download. The software for programming the PLC and the HLC Visualizer can also be downloaded here.

If the data you want is not listed here, please contact us at

For support via remote control you can download the Teamviewer Quick Support Tool here.

Installation and operating FPcontrols

FP1 SH-Modus

FP2 SH-Modus

FP3 SH-Modus



Schemes FP controls

FP1 SH-Modus

FP2 SH-Modus


Connection and installation HLC controls + Accessories

HLC- 10

HLC- 20

HLC Raumbedienteil

HLC Bedienteil (HLC- BDT)


HLC-EA- 485-MOD Bus Erweiterung

HLC-EA-MP-Bus Erweiterung

HLC-EA- M-Bus Bus Erweiterung

Abmessungen Schaltschrankbedienteil

Anschluss Bedienteil


Network integration HLC

Connection from PC to HLC controls

Instructions for Software Update (from HLC10v4)

Instructions for software update (before HLC10v4)

HLC Programmer

HLC Visualizer (only App, endversion for user)

HLC Visualizer (Create visualizations)

HLC- module description for HLC-Programmer


HLC Programmer

HLC Visualizer

HLCPGM firmware update program for HLC control

HLC10v3 Firmware (Version 110217)

HLC10v4 firmware (Version V5.

HLC20 firmware (Version  V01.3.10)

FP-Line (Version V1.4.2-

FP Firmware (Version 140602)